Rate: ★★★★★
Your overall comments on the trip and the travel company:
Overall, our trip to Iceland was amazing!
Everything we had planned worked out flawlessly, and the entire group had a great time. We were extremely pleased with the service from the travel company, both during the planning process, but also during the trip, including significant flexibility to accommodate the needs of our group including five children.
What were the most enjoyable or memorable parts of your trip?
Too many to name, but some of the highlights include our glacier hike, Jeep adventure and hike in the Valley of Thor, several other amazing hike's to see incredible waterfalls, canyons, and volcanos, the Blue Lagoon, whale watching, and our private boat and bike tours.
If you could take your trip again, what would you do differently?
Honestly not too much, but perhaps we would opt for some smaller, more private hotels in a couple of locations. But overall there were really no major complaints the entire trip.